Our Story


Like most things, MovingBeyond began with a conversation amongst friends back on January 5th 2019 – originating around one question:

How can we do more to remedy the human and climate emergencies that we are facing?

Since that breakfast, the emerging science and societal signposts tell us daily that the decade to 2030 will be pivotal in shaping the future. 

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Glasgow, more commonly referred to as COP26, was an impetus for this group to create something that could help catalyse the UK response to Net Zero ambitions. 

Simon Milton, Co-founder
Jamie Anley, Co-founder

MovingBeyond COP

What unfolded was ‘MovingBeyondCOP’ – seeking to bring together those who understand the scale of the crisis, and who recognise the same north star: accelerating the energy transition and building a sustainable and inclusive future for all. 

Co-founded by Simon Milton and Jamie Anley and co-led with Maria O’Connor, the aim was to break down the silos and barriers between business, government and civic society, by creating a safe place for leaders to speak honestly about the challenges they face and find exciting collaborators to help them move forward.

A growing community

For the last few years, our efforts have been centred around an annual immersive three-day event convening different parts of society. Here, we attempt to address key issues, work together to find solutions and connect back to nature and ourselves. 

Each year our community grows, and our team gains deeper insights into what is needed and how we can meet the emerging challenges. 

On the final day of our first event, we were spontaneously renamed by Jamie as simply ‘MovingBeyond’. By harnessing the power of a diverse collective of change-makers, we exist to help society ‘Move Beyond’ blind spots, biases, and stagnant paradigms, and work towards a better world. Together. 

But MovingBeyond really is what every participant makes of it. This might lead to a new initiative or important new friendships. What unifies us is a feeling of now being part of and together shaping what MovingBeyond’s legacy will be.

Maria O'Connor - Founding Team

Our journey

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